We are delighted to announce that Lastingham Grange will be re-opening on 5 March. We have been busy making preparations to re open in a safe as possible manner for both guests and staff.

We would like to ask guests to be patient as we are all learning as we go along. We have had to make some slight changes to the way we operate and we ask you to follow any instructions given.

The Grange is fortunate; the hotel is situated in a fabulously un-crowded part of North Yorkshire, with spacious gardens, in a peaceful village and plenty of moorland walking on the doorstep. It is considered an ideal location for a British summer or autumn holiday and the risks are perceived as low. However reopening the hotel to guests is not completely without risks and of course there is a balance to be achieved of managing those risks whilst not spoiling what is after all a holiday. Within the hotel we are making appropriate adjustments and limitations to services and facilities. Some regrettably are not going to be available as a consequence, and unfortunately, for this there can be no allowance on the room rate. 

We are very grateful for all the support we have received from our wonderful guests during this unique time.

We look forward to seeing you very soon

Some of the measures we have taken


Please book directly with us preferably by telephone or online. We will give preferential bookings to two nights or more. On occasion we might refuse one night bookings.

Please book ethically DO NOT USE Online travel agents 

Pre Arrival

If you are feeling unwell please do not travel.

Firstly contact 111 or your doctor.

Secondly contact your travel insurer. We can provide any documents you need.


Please check no one is in the hall before entering. if you need assistance please ring the bell

Check in is from 3.00pm onwards


We have had to reduce the number of tables in the dining room. We are unable to take advance bookings for dinner. If we have space on the day we will make these tables available.

Likewise in the lounge chairs and tables have been removed. Priority seating will be reserved for residents. We will do limited amount of lunch and afternoon teas in the lounge.

We have increased the amount of tables and chairs in the garden. 

Please telephone to book your table


Before arrival your room will have been thoroughly cleaned, sanitised and aired. We are going above and beyond the government guidelines.

If you don't wish your room to be cleaned whilst you are staying please let us know and we will leave fresh towels outside the room.

All public rooms will be cleaned and sanitised throughout the day

Sanitiser stations will be placed throughout the building and by the entrances we ask you use them.


Our staff will not enter your room whilst you are in the room.

Our housekeeper will hang a sign on the door advising when she is cleaning asking.

All books, guides and magazines have been removed

The items on Tea Trays have been reduced. If you would like something additional please ask


With a bit of common sense, patience and good humour we will get trough this challenging time 

Copyright © Lastingham Grange. All rights reserved.